Regulations and documents per destination
Out of Europe to worldwide destinations
For used truck & construction machinery out of Western Europe
Egypt, Alexandria
Guinee, Conakry
Egypt, Alexandria
Check if your ACID nr is valid: click here
Mandatory platform registration : Advance Cargo Information System
--> Mandatory as from 01/10/21
Simplified introduction: movie
CargoX is linked to the Egyptian customs system Nafeza, where the importer needs to be registered and he needs to select the verified seller which is linked via the CargoX database.
Each exporter needs to register on the CargoX website in order to be able to sell to Egypt.
Each importer needs to register on the Nafeza website in order to import in Egypt.
Registration on CargoX
On CargoX the exporter registration is is free of charge, but in order to be connected to the Nafeza website the exporter needs to be verified.
--> 400 usd minimum credit amount
--> to be verified 15 credits will be deducted
Workflow on CargoX (movie)
Upon registration the exporter will get a blockchain wallet where he can send an envelope to destination with following documents:
--> (copy) Bill of Lading
--> Packing list
--> Commercial Invoice
--> Certificate of Origin
--> EUR1 document (if required)
--> Other certificates if applicable (e.g. Phytosanitary certificate, ...)
* The document types of all uploaded documents will need to be set correctly in the CargoX system.
This envelope needs to be connected to the ACID number (shipment identification number)
The importer needs to send this unique shipment number to the exporter.
Per envelope the exporter sends to the importer, the exporter pays about 165 usd per envelope depending on how much documents are attached.
(150 usd filing fee + 3 usd per document with max 15 usd) so maximum 165 usd per shipment.
Mandatory info on documents
--> ACID nr needs to be stipulated on all shipment documents (19 digit nr)
--> Commercial invoice per line item:
* Specify GS1 or part nr if no GS1 available / with vehicles we presume chassis nr will be sufficient
* 10 digits HS code
--> Bill of Lading:
1. Shipper's Registration Number
Shippers Exporter Registration Number = 17 alphanumeric number containing 3 segments:
2 letter code (ISO-3166-1) representing country of registration
2 digits identifying the type of registration (1 – Company registration Chamber of Commerce / 2 – VAT number)
The exporter registration number issued by the relevant authority
The shippers registration number should be added after the name #insert shippers registration number#
2. Egyptian Consignee Tax Registration Number:
Egyptian Importer’s VAT number = 9 digits
*The Egyptian Consignee registration number should be added after the name #insert Consignee Tax registration number#
3. ACID number (19 digit nr)
The ACID number should be added after the notify party #insert the ACID Number#
Please register on a free account on (
Please consult the quick start guide (
If you need any assistance please contact
Please visit ( and follow the procedure.
Guinee, Conakry
Age restriction max 13 years for all vehicles
There will be a maximum 13 year age limitation of all vehicles arriving in Guinee starting 15th of July 2021.
Not applicable for vehicles in transit.
Mandatory survey, clearance and survey number before delivery at the terminal in the port of origin --> suspended until further notice, so for now no inspection needed
A) Introduction:
All cargo (new and second hand) loaded after the 15th of July should be conform with the new ruling, be submitted to a survey and needs a clearance and survey number delivered by Eguims/Certafri. Without this clearance cargo will not be allowed loading on board of the vessel.
Every vehicle, whether it is loaded inside or on top or attached to another vehicle, has to be surveyed.
Very important change: survey can not take place at the terminal of departure.
B) Info and documents needed before survey:
Info needed:
Make and model
Chassis number
Year of first registration
Quantity of doors
Documents needed:
Proforma shipping invoice
C) Bill of lading:
The survey nr needs to mentioned on the BL.
D) Brief summary of checkpoints:
1. Presentation: Clean, Keys
2. Visibility: Front window, rearview mirror, front wipers, back wipers, other windows
3. Lighting: Emergency indicators, fog light, direction indicator, brake lights
4. Rims, tyres - technical pieces: Handbrake, rims, pedals, tyres, engine
5. Equipment: Belt, horn, battery, spare wheel, jack, warning triangle, safety jacket, EHBO box
E) if a checkpoint is not ok
If one of the checkpoints is not ok, depending on which one, the vehicle gets a red flag.
The vehicle needs to be repaired locally and a new inspection has to be requested.
F) EHBO kit, warning triangle and safety jacket
Each vehicle needs to have a EHBO kit, warning triangle and safety jacket.
If missing, Certafri will place it in the car at a cost of 25 euro per kit.
G) Prices
The survey can only be ordered by forwarding companies and shipping lines
Cars and small vans 150 EUR/ unit
Big vans 170 EUR/unit
Trucks and HH 200 EUR/unit
Please note it could be that the prices will increase due to the fact that the inspections are not allowed on the terminals anymore.
H) Website
More info is coming:
For countries like Cameroon, Congo, Chad, etc...
LC - Loading Certificate
CTN - Cargo Tracking Note
ECTN - Electronic Cargo Tracking Note
FERI - Fiche Electronique de Renseignements à l'importation
GUOT NR - Guichet Unique des Opérations Transfrontalières
BIETC - Bordereau d'Identification Electronique de Tracabilite des Cargaisons (ECTN)
CEE - Certificado Electronico de Embarque
VOC - Verification Of Conformity
BSC - Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison
BESC - Bordereau Electronique de Suivi de Cargaison
PVOC - Pre-Shipment Verification Conformity Program
COO - Certificate of Origin
Meanwhile for more info about mandatory documents per country, please contact us:
Tel: +32 491 280 944