New and strict regulations in port of Antwerp
Grimaldi 1333 - 05/04/2024
Currently, units that cannot be loaded onto vessels due to technical failures are repaired by external mechanics dispatched to the quay by customers.
After these repairs have been performed, AET often receives requests to confirm the reparations were successful, sometimes several days after the fact. Verifying these repairs after they’ve been performed is a time-consuming affair that currently isn’t being invoiced and doesn’t always have an added value.
To streamline this procedure, same will be updated as follows at AET’s car terminals effective 29/03:
A technician is announced by Grimaldi and comes to the quay.
After the repair work, the technician contacts Carterminal (+32 3/570 00 77) to inform them the repairs have been completed.
Carterminal contacts a mechanic of AET who will go to the unit while the external technician is still there. If necessary, this means the technician may have to wait at the unit.
Depending on if the reparation was successful, the external technician can either give more info about the repairs performed, or if necessary, continue to attempt repairs alongside the AET mechanic. Extra labor as well as discussions with/between AET, the customer and Grimaldi are avoided this way, plus the situation is immediately clear to all parties.
If no AET mechanic is available to attend to the unit, Carterminal will communicate this to the external technician so he can leave the quay.
AET expects that by implementing this procedure less questions to verify units before loading operations commence will be received. If this new procedure is not followed and the customer insists on verifying the unit before load operations, costs will be invoiced at a rate of €120 and need to be approved in writing. The units will not be checked if the customer refuses to pay, leading to a risk of the unit failing to be loaded due to a faulty repair.
This adjusted repair procedure goes into effect on 29 March 2021. Thank you for your cooperation.
Different electric vehicles explained
BEV (Battery electric vehicle)
Pure electric cars and powered by rechargeable battery packs, with no secondary source of power. They recharge by plugging into an electrical source.
HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle)
Hybrid vehicle that combines an electric propulsion system with a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) Main purpose is to have a better fuel economy compared to cars with only an ICE drivetrain. The cars do not plug in to recharge.
PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle)
A plug in hybrid electric vehicle comes with both a traditional combustion engine and a battery. Unlike hybrid electric vehicles the battery needs to be charged and can provide generally 30-60km of pure electric range.
FCEV (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle) Electric car that uses a fuel cell, sometimes in combination with a super capacitor ar a small battery, to power its onboard electric motor. Most fuel cell vehicles are classified as zero-emissions vehicles that emit only water and heat. These cars do not plug in to recharge.
Port 1333 - Grimaldi terminals dd.05/12/2022
Kindly note following procedure for the bookings of USED and NEW PRIVATE electric or hybrid cars on Euromed vessels (!! only – not allowed on WAF vessels !!) :
- All bookings MUST indicate that it concerns an electric car and should be accompanied with the correct Make, Model, Vin, EV type (BEV, PHEV, HEV).
- All Vehicles are requested to have a clear and precise identification on the windscreen detailing battery type (BEV, PHEV, HEV, FEV).
- Any battery switch off must be clearly marked on the vehicle.
- The vehicle must comply with the cargo modality.
- The vehicle must be in good condition, fully functional, self-propelled, safe to drive, damage free from any incident/impact . No leaking nor damages .
- HV batteries must have a sufficient state of charge – with a minimum battery of 25% and a maximum battery charge of 50%. This also applies to Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Vehicles with flat batteries (FEV) will be refused for loading.
- When a specific handling is required, shipper must leave clear and detailed operating instructions inside the vehicle in order to allow a correct handling by the stevedores.
- Shipper to provide a signed certificate from a licenced/registered company that the vehicle has been checked for leak-tightness and that is in proper workable condition as regards the electric system/battery and there is no leaking.
Port 332/740 - Sallaum terminals dd.21/11/2022
Please be informed that these terminals will no longer accept trucks and trailers with byload as from Monday 21st of November. Only empty trucks and trailers or stacked with empty vehicles will be accepted for delivery. This decision has been made due to the high percentage of trucks and trailers not in accordance with our port rules.
Closed trucks and trailers must be able to open upon presentation for delivery in order to verify they are empty.
Port 1333 - cars dd. 06/05/2021
Further to the update on Grimaldi cargo modalities we wish to inform you that we are now receiving more and more reported cases of catalyst systems (exhaust pipes) being removed from the vehicles prior delivery to our Terminals in order to recycle same for valuable parts inside. This results in vehicles behind delivered which are making a lot of noise, polluting to an unacceptable level and where from the exhaust possible sparks can pass to the outside causing potential risk for fire. Therefore delivered units will need to have a complete exhaust set, those with missing parts will be rejected to enter the terminal.
We hope for your understanding and cooperation.
Port 1241 - BYLOADS
(and the extra related terminals port 420 and port 740)
Due to the more stringent rules on byloads of trucks and trailers and the additional inspections required for these units, the line will charge an extra administrative fee of 400,- EUR per truck or trailer loose which is loaded with additional goods as from 05/04/2021. Units stacked with empty vehicles are excluded from this administrative fee.
In addition to the previous instructions sent and attached below, for all deliveries as from 05/04/2021 following additional restrictions will be applied. Please carefully read in order to be well informed and avoid further problems upon delivery;
Second hand goods/byloads (not categorized as waste) are only allowed in trucks and trailers manufactured with closed compartments. This excludes cargo being loaded in or on open units, dump trucks, truck heads, pick-up trucks, open trailers. Please carefully check underneath explanation with pictures.
Fully assembled vehicles with limited accessories inherent to the vehicle are allowed to be stacked on top in secure and seaworthy manner. On top of a single truck head is excluded. Wheels and spoiler may be disassembled in order to be stacked on top and lashed in a secure and seaworthy manner.
Under all circumstances goods as loaded must comply to the prevailing European waste regulations.
Cargo loaded must be packed/stowed and secured in a well-organized and safe manner, in comparison to container loading. Mattresses need to be clean and wrapped in plastic. Spare tires must be in good condition and may not be stowed tire in tire. Tread depth must be at least 1.6mm in order not to be considered as waste.
Packing lists summarizing all items loaded inside must be attached inside the truck on the right side of the window. Presence of the packing list will be checked before entrance on terminal. In case the packing list is not present, the concerning unit will be blocked for further shipment until rectification and an administrative fee of 50,00 EUR will be invoiced at cost of the shipper.
Electronic items are prohibited to be loaded, except when a valid testing certificate for all items is attached to the packing list. In case valid testing reports are missing the concerning unit will remain blocked for shipment until rectification. If within a week no valid testing report has been received, terminal will be obliged to proceed with unloading and recycling the concerning items at cost of the shipper.
Rules for electrical and electronic equipment.
Spare parts and engines are prohibited to be loaded, except when they are depolluted and a valid certificate of same is presented upon arrival to terminal. If the depollution certificate for the items loaded is missing upon arrival, the concerning unit will not be allowed entrance to terminal.
All byloads are subject to valid custom declaration.
All testing certificates for the electronical devices and depollution certificates for the engine parts if loaded need to be attached with the packing list and available upon delivery for inspection. If not present the unit will be refused entrance as per above mentioned.
Terminal will perform random checks on trucks and trailers on daily basis. If any unit found of which the packing list does not illustrate the real contents or any goods are found in breach with the above mentioned rules, the shipping line/terminal will be obliged to recycle the contents in breach with the environmental regulations and a fine of 1200,00 EUR will be invoiced at cost of the shipper.
If any documents required and present turn out to be faked after inspection by the concerning authorities, all contents will be considered as waste and need to be recycled. In addition a police report will be made for forgery.
Shippers found often not in compliance with the prevailing regulations will be excluded from the possibility to load any byloads in any unit. If shippers are again found loading byload, concerning shippers will be excluded from delivering cargo on Terminal 332 and the extra related terminals such as port 420 and port 740.
Car wrecks, waste and electronic devices
Please note that export of waste is not allowed and will not be tolerated for which we urge you to carefully read the below summary.
It is prohibited to present wrecked vehicles for delivery. If instructions from terminal are neglected and the refused vehicle is abandoned by the driver, the shipping line/terminal will have them removed at cost of the shipper which will be held accountable. In addition a fine of 500,- EUR per vehicle will be issued.
A vehicle is considered a wreck when following requirements cannot be met;
If the owner/shipper is not possible to present the valid inspection and registration certificate,
The last valid inspection certificate has been expired for more than two years,
The vehicle is at least 6 years old and is not inspected,
The vehicle is total loss.
It is prohibited to load waste in any type of vehicles. When any waste may be found after inspection on terminal, the shipping line/terminal has the right to remove and recycle it at cost of the shipper.
Every presented vehicle for delivery must be in possession of a clear and correct packing list. Packing lists have to be attached inside on the right side of the window. In case of a trailer, packing list must be attached in a plastic map to the front of the trailer.
If any electric or electronical devices are loaded, the following documents must be present at all times. All devices must have been tested on proper functioning in a testing facility or re-use center.
A complete list of all devices loaded, stating the following information per device;
Unique identification code
Name of the device
Identification- or type number, in case available
Year of production, in case available
Name of the re-use center where the devices are prepared or the name of the person or legal entity whom tested the devices on proper functioning
Date on which the devises are prepared for reuse, evaluated and tested
Which evaluations and tests have been performed
Overview of evaluation- and testing results
A formular stating the following in formation;
Contact details of the person or legal entity liable for the transport
Contact details of the re-use center where the devices have been prepared for reuse or contact details of the person or legal entity whom have tested the devices
Contact details of the receiver with whom the contract has been made.
A signed declaration from the re-use center which prepared the devise for reuse or from the person or legal entity whom tested the devices, stating all devices are properly functioning.
The shipper will be held in default in case any of these terms cannot be met and violations have been determined. Any costs, penalties or disadvantages incurred by the shipping line arising from this will be charged to shippers account.
If a presented vehicle for delivery is determined not in compliance to these regulations and therefore refused, it must be returned by the driver with immediate effect. Abandoned vehicles outside terminal will be fined with 1000,- EUR and the the shipping line/terminal remains the right to remove them within 5 working days if no actions have been taken.
Please be guided accordingly and thoroughly inform everyone involved.
Tightening of the current rules as from 05/04
Secondhand goods/byload only allowed in original closed compartments of trucks and trailers
Not allowed anymore in or on;
• Opentrailer
• Truck head
• Pickup truck
• Dumptruck/-trailer
Only fully assembled units with limited accessories inherent to the vehicle are allowed to be stacked on top in a seaworthy manner.
Controllable upon delivery
Goods must always comply with European waste regulations
Cargo must be packed and stowed in a secure and well-organized way, in
comparison to container loading
Clear and correct packing lists must be present upon arrival for inspection
Testing and depollution certificates if such items loaded must be present
If any documents required and present turn out to be faked after inspection by the concerning authorities, all contents will be considered as waste and need to be recycled. A police report will be made for forgery.
Inspection by terminal
If a packing list is not present, an administrative fee of 50,00 EUR will be charged to the shipper and concerning unit will remain blocked until correct packing list is presented
Daily random checks will be performed by terminal if the packing list illustrates the real contents. If not in compliance, contents will be recycled at cost of the shipper with an additional fine of 1200,00 EUR
If units are found often not in compliance after inspection, concerning shipper will be excluded to load any byload again.
If shippers keep breaking these rules, they will be excluded from delivering cargo on the involved terminals.
Packing List
Testing certificate for electronics
• The devices have been tested in a certified testing facility for reuse
• The devices are each labeled with the name of the reuse centre, the unique identification code and the natural person or legal entity whom tested the devices
Documents to be present upon delivery;
• Invoice for the concerning goods, stating they are intended for reuse
• A statement that the concerning goods do not contain any waste materials
• Testing certificate with each device, serial number and functionality proven
• A form with:
• The owners contact details
• Contact details of the party whom prepared and tested the devices for reuse as fully
• The recipients contact details
The devices must be packed and stowed in such way that the good functionality for reuse is not threated
Depollution certificate
Oil declared to be removed and recycled by certified garagist
Serial number of each concerning engine/part to be mentioned on the certificate
Cooling unit
• No CFK
• Refrigerant gas whether or not present to be known by shipper and certified
• If unknown, concerning unit will remain blocked for inspection at cost of shipper
Tires - how to load
--> Separate and not tire in tire
--> Nearly new tires with at least 1,6mm groove
Spare parts in good condition and orderly loaded, valid depollution certificate for each part required
No bents, damages, rust or missing parts
Mattresses only allowed in plastic
Examples of permitted and prohibited stacking
Port 1333 - as from 15/03/2021 - Byloads
Further to changes made in respect of cars, small and big vans, buses, etc. at the end of 2020, please be advised that further important revisions / additional new cargo modalities will be implemented compared to the present cargo modalities for used trucks/trailers/high and heavy roro.
Changes as detailed below are a natural extension of changes implemented in 2020 and reflect our continuing intention that the trade operates in as safe and sustainable manner as possible in the future and meeting and exceeding current conventions and regulations including SOLAS , ISPS, IMDG and EU and other government environmental regulations.
Considering successful implementation of last changes and fact that all parties have worked hard to adapt then we will give again a short notice period to the trade prior to implementing the new rules in all ports therefore these new cargo modalities will take effect as from delivery to terminals 15th March 2021.
Last delivery date Friday 12th March applies without exception to all terminals / POL.
We wish to stress the fact that the current cargo modalities will remain valid and draw attention to newly imposed rules for trucks/trailers / roro:
Here below a recap of the main points which will apply from 15/3/2021 :
Cars/small vans (no change):
In this vehicle category of cars and small vans no byload allowed in all types of cars and small vans - the only items allowed are items inherent to the vehicle (1 x spare tyre/crutch/small set of tools/fire extinguisher/fluo warning vest/signs)
Big vans (no change):
In this vehicle category no byload is allowed regardless of the fact that the vehicle has a cargo compartment - the only items allowed are items inherent to the vehicle (1 x spare tyre/crutch/small set of tools/fire extinguisher/fluo warning vest/ signs)
Trucks/Roro (note the below changes):
In this vehicle category no byload is allowed regardless of the fact that the vehicle has a cargo compartment whether enclosed (e.g. box truck, curtain side trailer) or open (e.g. flat bed trailer, tipper) – the only items allowed are items inherent to the vehicle (1-2 spare wheel(s) / small set of tools / fire extinguisher / warning vest / signs) and/or for its designed exploitation purpose (e.g. firetrucks water hoses – bucket/arms for road building equipment – forks for cargo handling equipment, etc.)
The ONLY permissible and allowed cargo to be stacked inside or on top are fully assembled vehicles together with limited accessories inherent to these vehicles as already detailed above in points 1/2/3.
It is allowed that the stacked vehicles have their wheels dismantled/removed and other parts (e.g. aero diffuser/spoiler) which must be stacked/lashed and secured in a seaworthy manner on top of the vehicle.
IMPORTANT that the stacked vehicles contain no byload and they will have to have their battery disconnected (as per Grimaldi Procedure ) and fuel tank empty.
There is no change to existing modalities for passenger vehicles such as buses, coaches where no byload is allowed.
General remarks
Any byload must be recycled in line with the ports, local and/or international environmental rules and regulations prior to entry to terminal
Any vehicles in cargo compartments (and limited accessories as detailed) have to be inspectable in a safe manner – safely/seaworthy stacked / lashed & secured and corresponding to all current safety/maritime/environmental rules and regulations
Update 24/03/21 - Port 1333
Thanks to find here below additional procedure for acceptance/loading of USED VEHICLES propulsed by LPG/LPI/LNG/CNG or for HYBRID and/or ELECTRICAL types of USED VEHICLES.
With immediate effect we hereby impose a ban for accepting and loading any used hybrid and electrical vehicles unless prior to booking a written agreement from the Line’s management is obtained.
Prior to accepting this type of vehicle by Line’s Management the vehicle must adhere to following conditions :
Been submitted to technical inspection by licensed garage of the manufacturers
This inspection to take place max 72 hrs prior to loading
This technical inspection certificate of good functioning to be provided to the Line/agency prior to accepting booking
Max battery charge allowed of 25 % sufficient to drive the vehicle on and off the vessel
Vehicle to be clearly labelled with label indicating “EV” or “PHEV” on front screen window
Same to be listed to vessel and planning dept allowing latter to select best stow position on board
We also remind all concerned that there is also a ban for loading /accepting used vehicles propulsed with LPG/LPI/CNG/LNG unless written approval from the Line’s Management prior to booking is obtained.
Prior to accepting this type of vehicle by Line’s Management the vehicle must adhere to following conditions :
Been submitted to technical inspection by licensed garage of the manufacturers
This inspection to take place max 72 hrs prior to loading
This technical inspection certificate of good functioning to be provided to the Line/agency prior to accepting booking
Max fuel allowed of 10 % sufficient to drive the vehicle on and off the vessel
Vehicle to be clearly labelled with label indicating “LPG/LNG/CNG/LNG ” on front screen window
Same to be listed to vessel and planning dept allowing latter to select best stow position on board
Please be informed that the current rules to be applied regarding additional cargo will be strengthened as from 01/01/2021 as follows:
Cars and small vans (up to 2,10 m high)
No additional cargo allowed (except for vehicle original objects such as fire extinguisher, warning triangle, spare tire and vehicle jack.
Big vans ( > 2,10m high up to 2,60m high)
No additional cargo allowed (except for vehicle original objects such as fire extinguisher, warning triangle, spare tire and vehicle jack.
Busses which are foreseen for passenger transportation
No additional cargo allowed.
Additional cargo allowed up to maximum allowed weight of the vehicle.
Port 1333 update 25/11/2020
Please note that as from January 1st 2021 delivery date, we will no longer accept vehicles loaded with additional cargo inside for following cargo types (UNITS MUST BE EMPTY):
small vans
big vans
passenger vehicles/busses, designed for people carriage
used cars / small vans / big vans stacked on top/inside of trucks and/or trailers
The only items allowed to be loaded in the trunk of the vehicle are items inherent to the vehicle:
1 spare tyre
1 crutch
small set of tools
fire extinghuiser
fluo warning vest
warning signs
Trucks/roro vehicle class, byloads are still allowed under the following conditions:
byload upto the maximum allowed weight according to manufacturers
a fully detailed and described packinglist must be attached to the front
screen window (right bottom for lh drive and left bottom for rh drive)
all byloads must be fully declared on the bill of lading/manifest and by
forwarders/shippers to all respective authorities
any byload must be inspectable in a safe manner
safely/seaworthy stacked/lashed&secured corresponding to all safety and
maritime/environmental rules and regulations
Mobile homes /caravans/campers which could be falling under the category of small vans/big vans/ trucks. In these vehicles there will be allowed personnel effects which are inherent to travelling and camping activity except for these mentioned below (which are NOT allowed):
weapons & ammunition
drugs & medicine
perishable goods, plants, any food, spices, etc.
flammable and hazardous substances (like uncleaned gasbottles, spray cans
fuels and lubricants
electronic devices (like printers, cameras, computers, ipads etc
TVs, navigation devices, DVD's, etc. exception: of fixed ones and radio
no cleaning supplies
no oil canisters
As per standing instructions these vehicles are subject to inspection by Grimaldi surveyor prior to loading and any byload which found not compliant will have to be removed.
The respective authorities will perform random physical controls on the byload inside the delivered vehicles. In case of non compliance relevant authorities can impose fines to forwarders/shippers. As per instructions of the harbour master, we regret to advise that the vehicle will be blocked in the port and will not be shipped until necessary rectifications have been done in line with the local and/or international environmental rules and regulations.
Port 332/420/742 - Update 26/11/2020
Further on underneath message, big vans will also be included and need to be delivered empty as from next Monday 30th of November. For your easy reference please find below a short summary of the new regulations to be followed regarding byload:
Small vans
Big vans
Passenger busses
Trucks and trailers
Allowed with respect to the maximum allowed weight
Every united presented for delivery as from Monday 30th of November not in compliance to these rules will be refused to enter terminal and will need to return with the driver. Please act accordingly in order to avoid problems upon delivery.
Port 332/420/742 - Update 25/11/20
Referring to underneath important message, the strengthening of these regulations have been brought forward and will take effect as from MONDAY 30TH OF NOVEMBER 2020. Meaning all cars and vans have to be delivered completely EMPTY as from next Monday, please act accordingly and thoroughly inform all your clients/drivers.
With respect to the loading regulations for additional cargo in big vans, trucks and trailers please carefully note the below remarks:
All electrical devices loaded inside must be provided with a label mentioning that the device is properly functioning, and a valid testing certificate has to be provided upon delivery.
Engine parts loaded must be depolluted and must be proven to be in order.
All additional goods have to be loaded in a neatly packed and organized way. Clothes have to be properly loaded in boxes or bags.
If presented vehicles for delivery are not in compliance to these regulations they will be refused from entrance on terminal and will have to return with the driver. No exceptions can be tolerated and regulations must be followed with utmost precision.
We thank you for your precise follow up and correct guidance.
Port of Antwerp - important update 16/09/19
All units need to by clean, dry, non-hazardous and degassed before delivery.
Port 1333 AET Terminal
A special procedure is in place:
Tanks need to be delivered clean, dry, non-hazardous and degassed. All compartments need to be accessible for inspection.
The terminal will do a mandatory check on all tanks, regardless if any certificate is available or not.
Following tariff is applicable:
Inspection per unit: 225 euro and per extra compartment: 125 euro
If the tank did not pass the test, customer needs to pick up the unit asap, clean and redeliver to terminal.
A new mandatory check is again applicable with 225 euro per inspection and an extra 125 euro per extra compartment.
All other terminals in Antwerp or Zeebrugge
A cleaning certificate is required of max 48 hours before delivery to terminal.
The cleaning certificate must contain following information:
Stipulated by the port of Antwerp
Name/logo of the tank cleaning station, full address, email, phone number
Serial number or order number of the cleaning station
Name and address of the customer (contracting party)
Identification numbers of the vehicle and/or tank, container or IBC
Identification of the previous cargo (per compartment) from which the tank was cleaned. For dangerous goods: UN number and proper shipping name, trade name or chemical name. For non-dangerous goods: trade name or chemical name.
Identification of what has been cleaned with success:
Tanks (compartments)
Auxiliaires (hoses/pumps/drains/etc.) Hose identification numbers, if available
Cleaning agents and cleaning procedures used
Tests carried out
Waste treatment
Observations/comments from the cleaning station
Name of person who carried out the cleaning (cleaner)
Date and time of completion of the cleaning operation
Confirmation that the vehicle was found to be clean
Name and signature of the cleaning inspector
If not available Belgaco shipping can offer in port of Antwerp an inspection of the unit as follows:
* inspection with official certificateat any Antwerp terminal (225 euro + 125 euro per extra compartment)
* degassing with gas free certification(price on request)
* cleaning with cleaning certification(price on request)
Please feel free to contact us in this regard. Email us at
All goods need to be declared to customs and mentioned on the Bill of Lading.
All goods loaded in the vehicle needs to be mentioned on the packing list and attached to the front window (passenger side)
Are still accepted, but cargo needs to be properly packed and need to be accessible in a safe way at all timesfor visual inspection.
All loaded cargo is always subject to acceptance of the terminal / carrier.
It remains the seller’s responsibility that:
- amongst all stacked/stuffed items there are no hazardous items
(as f.e. fuels/lubricants/flammable goods.....etc..)
- amongst all stacked/stuffed items there are no illegal items
(arms/ammunition /etc... )
- amongst all stacked/stuffed items there are no environmental prohibited items
- amongst all stacked/stuffed items there are no perishable items
- all stacked /stuffed items need to be seaworthy stowed/stacked and lashed/secured.
No additional cargo may be placed at the terminal;
Additional cargo must comply with all applicable national and international regulations;
not appear on the list of prohibited items as determined by the HMO;
additional cargo placed in the rear of the vehicle must be secured so as not to be impede the movements of the driver,
a vehicle that is visually inspected by the terminal operator and whose additional cargo is found not to comply with the aforementioned rules, shall be considered a non-compliant vehicle and needs to be rejected.
Port 1241 - ICO Terminal
stacked units: the battery needs to be disconnected
All units with older and/or CFK/CFC/CFC12/R12,R502,... based cooling need to be degassed.
In general only applicable for units older than construction year 2003.
A gas free certificate is mandatory upon delivery at the terminal.
From 1st April there will no longer be any weight tolerance and all units must be within their plated weight / axel limits
Stacking of trucks will be allowed provided respecting the plated weight of the base vehicle and axle limits.
Surveyor check on terminal will be charged. (costs not known yet)
vehicles will be prohibited if evidently crashed and non-running
All vehicles which do not confirm to these new standards will be refused
Please note it is your responsibility to attend to new and above mentioned regulations.
The stevedore must check whether second hand vehicles meet the following conditions. Vehicles that do not meet these conditions must be rejected.
1 .the vehicles must be drivable;
2 .the vehicle must be capable of being towed safely;
3 .the bonnet, the boot lid and the doors must be present; the front two doors, i.e. the driver’s and passenger’s doors, must be in working order and capable of being opened;
4 .the vehicle must not leak ( e.g. fuel, oil, battery fluid, coolant);
5 .the driver’s seat must be present and should be completely free, as should be the passenger’s seat; if no passenger’s seat is present, the place provided for this seat should also be completely free;
6 .the vehicle should not show visible traces that they have been cut into pieces and subsequently;
7 .there should not be any visible signs present that could indicate that the structure of the vehicle has been damaged;
8 .there should not be any signs of major fire, structural damage, such as sagging chassis plates, substantial damage to the bodywork, missing or flat tyres, loose parts, etc.
9 .every tanker and/or tank truck should be empty and be accompanied by a cleaning certificate;
10 .refrigerated trucks should not have used a cooling liquid containing CFS.
Additional cargo shall only be allowed if it can easily be accessed and inspected.
1 .The following criteria need to be starkly complied with:
· No additional cargo may be placed at the terminal;
· Additional cargo must comply with all applicable national and international regulations;
· not appear on the list of prohibited items as determined by the HMO;
· additional cargo placed in the rear of the vehicle must be secured so as not to be impede the movements of the driver,
· for every vehicle loaded with additional cargo, a detailed loading list shall be drawn up with indication of all of the additional cargo items; general descriptions such as “personal goods “ are not acceptable
· a vehicle that is visually inspected by the terminal operator and whose additional cargo is found not to comply with the aforementioned rules, shall be considered a non-compliant vehicle and needs to be rejected.
· all IMO goods in each contents
· old spare parts for vehicles in bad condition, dirty not cleaned and which can not longer be used for their original purpose. All parts should be cleaned in perfect condition and no subject to leaking fluids, properly stowed and secured.
· CFK containing Fridges, Freezer
· CFK containing parts of fridges, freezer such as compressor pots
· Old not working electric and/or electronic devices such as household goods, TV’s, computers, mobile phones …
· Remains of oil or oil containing waste
· Batteries
· Household waste
· Expired medicines
Delivery: (private persons only)
Upon delivery of the vehicles at our terminal only the driver is entitled access to our transit zone.
He/she must wear a high visibility (fluorescent) jacket.
Must be charged and always accessible.
All vehicles must be equipped with roadworthy tyres.
Flat and/or damaged tyres can cause unnecessary damage to the car and/or the vessel.
Vehicles containing cargo must be provided with a packinglist.
Cargo must be lashed and secured correctly.
Undeclared, dangerous goods, such as:
paints, detergents, wet batteries, matches and empty/full gas cylinders
are not in compliance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods code (IMDG) and may not be transported overseas.
Must be removed after delivery to the terminal.
Must be unlocked and opened to facilitate the verification of the chassis number.
Personal effects:
Removal and/or adding of cargo at the terminal is not allowed by unauthorized persons.
Vehicles with serious mechanical defects such as: broken axles, broken suspension, faulty clutches, malfunctioning brakes and/or oil leak(s) will be refused for shipment.
Access to the vehicles:
Welding and/or sealing of the vehicles is strictly forbidden.
Engine compartiment, bonnet and boot must be accessible under all circumstances.
• the VIN-number must always be accessible for verification (VehicleIdentification Number = chassisnumber).
• in case of fire, the engine compartiment must be accessible for extinguishing purposes.
The passenger door must remain unlocked, the front passenger seat and leg room must remain empty.
Export allowed:
Guidelines for the export to RDC:
· used vehicles;
· used car parts in good condition;
· used tyres;
· sorted second-hand clothing;
· used but functioning electric/electronic equipment in good
condition, packed and protected adequately. Electrical/electronic equipment is not considered waste if:
· the device works;
· essential parts such as, leads or plugs are not missing;
· the goods aren ́t severly damaged and have an obvious retail-value;
· it is properly packed to prevent or to minize damage during transport;
· it does not contain parts that should be removed (such as CFC‘s, R12
refrigerant,asbestos, ...);
· there is an retail-market for such equipment in the country of
· it is not being exported for the recovery of parts or raw materials.
Export prohibited
· car wrecks;
· discarded car parts;
· old polluted car parts in bad condition, which can no longer be used for
their original purpose;
· worn-out tyres;
· refridgerators and freezers containing CFC‘s (CFC12, R12, R502,...);
· parts containing CFC ́s (i.e. cooling compressors);
· old and non functioning electrical and/or electronic equipment;
· oil residues or wasteproducts containing oil;
· worn-out batteries and accumulators;
· expired pharmaceuticals;
· inflammable and/or dangerous waste.
Electrical/electronic equipment is considered waste if:
· the equipment no longer works;
· essential parts, such as leads or plugs, are missing;
· the goods are damaged so that it is clear that they no longer work, or
are not safe;
· they are not properly packed, so it is probable that the equipment will
get damaged during transport;
· the equipment contains elements that must be removed (such as CFC‘s,
R12 refrigerant, asbestos,...);
· there is no retail-market for the equipment;
· the equipment is solely being exported for the recovery of parts or raw materials.
With this report the owner/exporter demonstrates that the appliance works and is not waste.
For each appliance must be indicated:
· who or what company did the test;
· the date of the test;
· a declaration that the appliance can be used immediately (i.e. without
repair) for the function for which it was made;
· an identification number of the appliance.
If there is no test report, the suspicion exists that it is waste. If the inspector has a doubt, it is up to the owner/exporter to show that the appliance works. Additionaly, test reports speed up transit times in port.
The European Union imposes strict requirements on the export of waste. European rules prohibit the export of electronic waste to African countries without a licence. This waste is often processed in a hazardous manner in West African countries. This is harmful for both people and the environment. Residue from this waste ends up on rubbish dumps. The health of the people who come into contact with the substances released through the improper processing and disposal of this waste is in great danger. Electronic equipment is really anything with a plug on it. Within European legislation, second-hand electrical/electronic appliances are rapidly considered waste, unless they still function and can be used.
Only if the conditions stipulated above are complied with,can electrical/electronic equipment be considered a second-hand product. If it does not comply with these conditions, it is considered waste and may only be exported under special conditions, or not at all.
People who export waste illegally or are only involved, even as a favour, may come up againstcontrolling authorities, such as the police, Customs and OVAM.